Laundry hacks

Hello everyone!
In this blog post I am going to write about 5 things that you shouldn't do with your laundry and of course 5 things that you should be doing with your laundry...I am also going to share 3 extra tips with you!

Let's start:

1.Don't mix your clothes...That can cause color bleeding and damaging your clothes ▶▶You should sort your clothes before you wash it, there is so many ways that you can sort your clothes!I like to sort my clothes by the color and by the type of the fabric.

2.Don't overload your washing machine because it can effect how well your clothes are going to wash and it can damage your washing machine ▶▶Most of the washing machines have weight limit for how much clothes you can fit inside...I have a washer and a dryer combo and if I am only going to wash my clothes I can put up to 8 kg of clothes and if I am going to wash and dry my clothes I can put up to 5 kg of clothes...I always stay in those limits because I want my clothes to wash properly and I don't want to damage my washing machine!

3.Don't leave washed clothes inside washing machine for hours after it is washed...Your clothes will start smelling bad if it stays in washing machine for too long ▶▶You should switch loads right away from washer to the dryer or use an option that most washing machines have and program it to finish when you are able to switch the load or put it on a drying rack!

4.Don't close the doors of your washing machine after you take out washed clothes...It can cause your washing machine smell really bad ▶▶Every time that you take out washed clothes leave the door of your washing machine slightly open and if you want you can wipe down the door and rubber part around the door with micro fabric cloth!

5.Don't just throw clothes on a drying rack because it can take longer time for your clothes to dry ▶▶Make sure that you put your clothes on a drying rack properly and leave enough space in between clothes for  air to circulate in between clothes!

Extra tips:

▶Turn your clothes inside out before washing to keep it new and good looking

▶Do at least one load of laundry every day to stay on top of the laundry

▶Treat stains right away to get it out of the clothes a lot easier

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Journal mama ❤
